Our Team
Donald Whitney | Dr. John Hunter | Eric Robinson
Donald C. Whitney, PE
Green Launch — Team Leader
Email: dcw5601@gmail.com
Mobile: 405-410-3644
M.A., Business Management, Central Michigan University
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
Professional Engineer:
Oklahoma Reg. #17719
Texas Reg. #95037
TSC Environmental, Edmond, OK (2015 to present)
As the Air Programs Manager, assists various clients with air quality issues throughout Oklahoma and surrounding states. Duties include managing numerous projects including design, permitting, coordination, environmental assessments, compliance, and reporting management for a variety of industries including oil & gas, refinery, power generation, waste management, general manufacturing, wood products, agriculture, government agencies, and others. Prepare correspondence with EPA, USACE, DEQ, OCC, KDHE, TCEQ, NMED, and various other regulatory agencies. Regularly attend meetings of DEQ Air Quality Advisory Council, and EFO.
Trinity Consultants, Oklahoma City, OK (2000 to 2015)
As a Managing Consultant, assisted industrial clients with state and federal air quality permitting, emissions inventory development, control technology evaluations, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) netting analyses, and regulatory-driven air dispersion modeling of emissions sources. His work includes the use of ISCST3, SCREEN3, TANKS4, and other U.S. EPA approved dispersion models. Direct experience with regulatory research and permit application preparation for construction/operating/Title V/PSD/Acid Rain permits for a variety of industries in Oklahoma and surrounding states. Primary instructor for the Trinity course on state and federal air rules.
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Oklahoma City, OK (1992 to 2000)
Supervisor of New / Existing Source Permits Unit of the Air Quality Division (AQD) with up to 14 engineers including student interns. Performed technical review of all AQD permits issued from 1995 through 1999. Wrote and coordinated 15 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to provide consistent permit policy guidance. Developed the Air Quality Newsletter and a section of the AQD web page to include permit status and drafts of Tier II permits. Responded to frequent regulatory and industry meetings and questions of permit/technical issues. Personally prepared more than 180 permits which involved site inspections, observation of stack tests, emissions calculations, evaluation of applicable state rules and federal regulations, and formulation of permit-specific conditions.
U.S. Air Force, Various Locations (1968 to 1992)
Served in the Air Force as a pilot flying several types of aircraft including O-2A, B-52H, C-131, T-39, and E-3A. Other assignments included Operations Staff Officer for HQ European Command and Airborne Command Post as well as Development Engineer for Space Shuttle launch facilities and aircraft flight simulators. Retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.

Dr. John W. Hunter
Green Launch — Chief Technical Officer
Email: jwhunter2004@yahoo.com
Mobile: 619-933-6678
1977: B.S. in Physics at the University of California at San Diego
1984: Ph.D., in Theoretical Particle Physics at College of William and Mary
1979: Delos Award for high score on the Ph.D. qualifying exam
1992: Aviation Week’s Laurel award for the work on SHARP
1999: HASBRO Toy Fair Award for the Tornado
2001: Channel 10 Leadership award for Water Station
2012: Justice Cruz Reynoso Community Service Award for Water Station
SHARP (Super High Altitude Project) leader at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Raised $3 Million and helped design, build and operate the world’s largest hydrogen impulse launcher. Surpassed all electric launcher records for energy and velocity. Also launched a series of nine hypersonic combustion ramjets (scramjets) with SHARP at velocities up to Mach 9. Obtained the record for high Mach number engine operation in a free flying scramjet at Mach 8. The previous record was Mach 5.5.
Has lead or participated in many successful technology projects. The projects have developed electromagnetic systems to detect deeply buried objects as well as magnetic field generators to defeat weapons. A medical project used ultrasound to both image and heat up cancer tissue (hyperthermia). Other work has included defending helicopters from RPGs, solar energy (ran Solar Bridge for Boeing), hypersonic propulsion (SHARP at LLNL), X-Ray lithography and toys/sporting goods (Vortex Tornado, Zyclone, Moonshot).
Also participated in armor projects in Iraq in 2004-2005. (DARPA armored trucks in LSA Anaconda, Taji and Baghdad). Also founded several non-profits (Water Station, All American Canal Safety).
(2006 to Present)
Managed “Solar Bridge”, a solar energy project using 20/1 PV concentrators. This project was performed for Boeing. Originated the design, then obtained funding and ran the project to successful completion. Consulted on hurricane mitigation, hypersonic civil transport, helicopter defense, energy storage and other topics for several customers
Designed a helicopter defense system for a client in response to the loss of helicopters in Afghanistan. Is currently managing Sundance Solar, LLC and Star Sports, LLC. Sundance Solar is a technology company that focuses on a high performance solar powered airplane. Star Sports has a sporting goods product called Moonshot which launches a flying ring over 100 yards. It is also introducing a more rugged dog toy version called HurriK9.
A recent Space Show Interview regarding project Green Launch to the Karman Line is at:
The work on SHARP and hydrogen impulse launchers is described in this interview: https://medium.com/looking-up/q-a-dr-john-hunter-b3b2af5bbf71
Gave a Google Tech Talk on hydrogen impulse launchers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IXYsDdPvbo
Appeared on 60 Minutes regarding the drownings in the All American Canal. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-deadly-passage-of-the-all-american-canal/
Appeared on CNN, Fox, NBC, Univision, Telemundo and others. Co-authored several scientific publications. Articles in Smithsonian, Popular Science, USA Today, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Eric Robinson
Green Launch – Strategic Outreach
Email: Eric.robinson@Omnisafe.net
Mobile: 408-422-1096
1979: B.S. in Chemistry at the State University of New York at Binghamton
1982: M.S., in Systems Science at State University of New York at Binghamton
Regents Scholarship
National Honor Society
Patent 5,829,796 November 1998 Torque-free metal face seal fitting.
Designed fitting for fluid delivery systems in the following projects:
– MSL, Mars rover, Curiosity, launch 2011, for the liquid Freon heat rejection system, Omnisafe 3/8” fittings
– JPL, DAWN, Xenon Ion Propulsion, Asteroid Belt, Oct 2007, Omnisafe 1/8” fittings
– NASA Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) program. Xenon Ion Propulsion, Omnisafe 1/8” fittings
– Wideband Global Satcom WGS constellation for propulsion system, orbit maintenance, Boeing, Omnisafe 1/8” fittings.
– JPL LISA the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, Omnisafe 1/16” fittings
– AEHF satellite constellation, propulsion system, Lockheed Martin, Omnisafe 1/8” fittings
– James Webb Space Telescope, optics, Northrop Grumman, Omnisafe 1/8” fittings
(1995 to Present)
Founder of Omnisafe Co. whose objective is to become the technology leader and the market leader in high purity fittings for fluid delivery in the aerospace, nuclear, and semiconductor industries.
D. Laureta, R. Sallot, E. Robinson, Solid State Technology, April 1997, Vol. 40, No. 4 pg. 89
E. Robinson, MICRO, Nov – Dec 1997, Annual Buyers Guide, Product All Stars, pg. 40
E. Robinson, Cleanrooms West 98 Proceedings, pg 263
E. Robinson, Channel Magazine, Jan – Feb 1999, Vol. 12 No. 1
John B. Tassano, E. Robinson, Material Performance. September 1999, Vol. 38, No. 9 pg. 64-67